viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Informative Text

An informative text is a text type through which the issuer discloses to the receiver any fact, situation or circumstance.

When we talk about written text information, we refer only to that text was writtenby an issuer whose main intention is, as we said "make known" something without involving primarily their emotions and desires.
There are many things you can make known in this way, the core of the text in this case is information. This does not mean that in an informative text never feelings or desires of the issuer, since this does happen sometimes be heard but anyway they always into the background.
This is done so that recipients will find out, not necessarily to get excited or to be entertained. The texts will be pursuing these objectives poetic and literary texts, not informative.
The language
To learn more about informational text, we will begin to know what are the main issues, that should take care to write, and that can be seen when reading a well-constructed text information. Let's see.
The language of an informative text should be, especially formal.
In a way, this is different from that we use every day to communicate orally, and also different from that used for writing texts other.
This difference is to be an exemplary, accurate and correct language.
Example of an Informative Text
To write an informative text must not use familiar or vague words, much less unseemly. Nor is it that words are gimmicky, however, they must be understandable.
For example, in a formal text, it is not a "paleteada" calls, "a favor" is requested; no "permission" but "authorization" is said; there is no talk of "Panchita Bravo", but "Francisca Bravo" and so on.
Precise: you must be very clear; nothing poetic metaphors, popular sayings, or any other element that could produce double interpretations. The message must be crystal clear to those who read, since the objective that must be met is to inform, and not be confused receiver informed.

Correct: both spell as morphosyntactically. To write an informative text you must take care that you can not escape no accent, no coma, phrases and sentences are well constructed, as well as paragraphs.

Nota: En la siguiente clase realiza un texto informativo en tu cuaderno en Inglés, recuerda checar el siguiente video para reforzar la información sobre los textos informativos.
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jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

Narrative Texts

Narrative Texts
The narrative is written that tells or "tells" as its name implies, stories, stories, facts or myths,which involves real or fictional characters, the main feature is that these texts should be counted by a narrator, but stresses that the narrator may be a supporting character, the main character or voice narrating, etc., that depends on how it is conceived by the author of a narrative, that is, the narrator does not have to be necessarily the author text, can be another 
participant in the story.
Whenever we read a story or some testimony we are faced with a narrative.
How is a narrative structure? As all text, there needs to be an introduction, a knot that is the part that raises conflict of history and the outcome or end of it. It is important to note that within the structure should consider the timing, which is the main basis for developing the story.
One of the main features of the narrative is that they have a place and time this in turn can be external or historical (based on actual dates) or internal (develops within history and not necessarily located in the real time or based on an existing part time).
The main elements of the narrative is the narrator, characters (real or fictitious), space (where is held the facts), structure and time, note that in these texts must be accompanied by action and elements of intrigue , same elements that reinforce the attraction in history, also consider the abundant use of verbs.
Example of a narritive text:
There was once a very small Koala that was lost in the woods and was very sad because he missed his mom.
A day dawned with a hen and the hen asked: Who are you?
I am Roberto said Koala. Then the chicken ran the home.
The Koala was very sad to find his mother and was very afraid at night. The next day dawned with an owl.
Who are you? He asked Mr. Owl.
I am Roberto, said the Koala and owl ran home.
The Koala was very sad to find her mother. He came back at night and Roberto looked for a place to sleep. The next day dawned with a butterfly.
Who are you? He asked the butterfly. I am Roberto said the Koala.
And what are you doing here, why are not you at home? He asked the butterfly.
I got lost and I can not get home, do not know how to find my mom said Roberto.
Do not worry, 'said the butterfly I'll help you find your mom; Come, let's get her.
Butterfly knew where in the forest lived all koalas, so it did not take long to find the house of Mrs Koala.
Finally he arrived home! Roberto and his mother became very happy.
Now, he thought Robert, I can sleep easy because thanks to my friend the butterfly, and nobody is going to run this house.
Taken of Article URL:


Nota: En la siguiente clase realiza un texto narrativos en tu cuaderno en Inglés, recuerda checar el siguiente video para reforzar la información sobre los textos narrativos.
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lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Descriptive Text

The descriptive text is called when someone is explaining how, a feeling, an animal or an object is. Through this type of text painted with words, we define the characteristics of what we describe. 

There are two types of descriptions according intervene or not the personal view of who writes the text: Scientific (when we report accurate physical characteristics described and therefore is objective, describing as it is that of which is He speaks in the text. This type of description found in encyclopedias and it does not involve the looks describing) and literary (as described is done in a very personal way, involved the feelings and thoughts of making the description is, therefore, subjective). The descriptive text is the actual verbal representation of an object, person, landscape, animal, emotion,and virtually everything can be put into words. This format aims to give the reader an accurate picture of reality that are broadcastingin words, a "word-painting". 

An essential feature, which applies to both types of descriptions isthat this is Timeless texts. This means that what we describe, the time to do it, not moving at the time but we stop a moment to talk about it as a whole static.

The process description is divided into three stages. 
The final phase is to present what was defined in the first two.
First, then, it is to look at thereality, carefully analyzing all the details that we can recognizeand then.
In the second stage, we can arrange that information. We do this so that text can be read clearly, organizing the text in a logical way (the most important to the least important or vice versa, from the general to the particular or vice versa shape the content or vice versa).

Example for a Descriptive Text on "Gloria" by Benito Pérez Galdós
The soft green hills are rising from the sea to the mountains , climbing over each other , as if to bet on who gets up first . To the fullest extent of the landscape pilgrim rustic cottages scattered on the ground form are ; more at one point the scattered buildings are convened, meet , harbor against each other , forming the most noble urban complex that centuries called Ficdbriga .

Ariseth in the center tower , unfinished , like a head without a Ariseth in the center tower , unfinished , like a head without a hat ; but has in its belfry two watchful eyes , and there in three languages, call metal morning Mass and pray the evening prayer .

Idea of the description : The landscape of a city
Nota: En la siguiente clase realiza un texto descriptivo en tu cuaderno en Inglés, recuerda checar el siguiente video para reforzar la información sobre los textos descriptivos.
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Expositive Text

It is objectively presented facts, ideas and concepts. Its purpose is to report on topics of general interest to a lay audience, without prior knowledge. They belong to this type of texts: lectures, textbooks, newspaper articles, tests and reviews, among others.

Expository texts are those that establish a topic or argument provides an oral discourse because it contains social arguments of one or more subjects; its means, can pick a theme or more to get to make a speech or presentation.

On the other hand, specialized not reporting but aim to understand scientific aspects, which require a more specialized, with greater knowledge of the subject receptor. They have, therefore, greater syntactic and lexical complexity. Belong to this scientific,  legal and humanistic texts.

Type of Expositive Texts

Informative: texts that report on a topic of interest . They are aimed at a broad sector of the public, they do not require prior knowledge on the subject of the exhibition ( newspaper,  articles , notes, textbooks, encyclopedias, conferences, collectibles texts, brochures, among others).
Specialized: texts that have a high degree of difficulty, as they require extensive prior knowledge of the subject matter (doctoral reports, master, law, research articles, monographs, etc.).

Structure of a Expositve Texts

Introduction : Explanation of how the issue will be discussed .
The development : The most important part of the text ; It is clear and orderly presentation of information.
The conclusion:  summarizes the information presented; its purpose is to summarize key aspects of the topic discussed.

Example of a Expositive Text

Water (from the Latin aqua) is a substance whose molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). It is essential for the survival of all known forms of life. The term generally refersto water the substance in its liquid state, although same may be in solid form called ice, and in its gaseous form called steam 
Water covers 71 % of the surface of the cortex terrestre.2 are located mainly in the oceans where 96.5 % of the total water is concentrated, glaciers and ice caps have 1.74% , underground reservoirs (aquifers ), the permafrost and continental glaciers account for 1.72 % and the remaining 0.04 % is distributed in descending order between lakes , soil moisture , atmosphere, reservoirs, rivers and living beings.

Nota: En la siguiente clase realiza un texto expositivo en tu cuaderno en Inglés, recuerda checar el siguiente video para reforzar la información sobre los textos expositivos.
Realiza un comentario sobre la lectura, para considerar tu asistencia a este blog.

Instructional Text

The instructive texts are instructions that are present every day in our daily lives, both in school and beyond. The very use of the technological means allowing us instructions require further management of this type of instructional texts. Instructional texts intended to guide procedures in detail, clear and precise to perform some activity whether simple or complex, according to two characteristics:

Guide on how to operate an apparatus or system including: manuals use of technological materials, fixing devices, etc.
They explain how to draw something from elements and processes, divided into the list of items or materials required and the procedure itself, developing instructions. For example: A recipe, such as knitting a sweater, etc.


The main features of instructional texts are:

1.     It requires special and distinctive format.
2.     Development of procedures composed of detailed steps that must be met to get a result. (Usually they are fixed sequences but sometimes it is possible to make changes).
3.     Clear language, direct and linear.
4.     Use graphic marks and numbers, asterisks or dashes to differentiate the series or sequence of steps.
5.     It can be accompanied with graphics, illustrations and / or drawings, according to the type of instruction to develop text. Applied to children / as in the early grades of primary education, the illustrations allow them greater guidance in the process.


prunes, 3/4 kilo
sugar, 2 tablespoons
flour, 150 grams
milk, l cup
eggs, 3 units
salt to taste

1. Place milk, flour, eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl 2. Beat all right.
3. Allow to cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. Grease a baking dish with butter.
5.Colocar plums and cover with dough made earlier.
6. Add the sugar and put in the oven, as strong as possible, for 4 to 5 minutes.
7. Serve warm from the same source.

The instructional text aims to teach or guide the receptor in achieving certain action or carrying out of any activity. Plum cake: In this example, the instructions for the realization of a recipe displayed. These instructions are ordered (and in this case numbered) according to a chronological criterion. You should always follow the instructions step by step, without altering the order stipulated.

Nota: En la siguiente clase realiza un texto instructivo en tu cuaderno en Inglés, recuerda checar el siguiente video : para reforzar la información sobre los textos instructivos. 

Realiza un comentario sobre la lectura, para considerar tu asistencia a este blog.